Why Should You Visit a Concentration Camp near Berlin?

  • The Original Free Walking Tour in Berlin

     When: Every day at 10am & 12pm Where: The meeting point is in front of Generator Berlin Alexanderplatz, Otto-Braun-Straße 65, 10178 Berlin, Germany. Next to the Entrance. Explore Berlin’s rich history and modern charm with our Free Walking Tour. This tour covers famous Berlin attractions, influential historical sights, stories of past wars, urban legends,… read more.



Germany has a rich history, but it also carries a heavy burden from its past. One of the most significant and haunting parts of its history is the existence of concentration camps during World War II. For those who are new to this topic, visiting a concentration camp can be a poignant and eye-opening experience that sheds light on the atrocities committed during that time. In this blog post, we will explore why you should consider visiting a concentration camp near Berlin, and how to make the most out of your visit.

Understanding the Historical Significance

Concentration camps were established as part of Hitler’s regime during World War II. They were used to imprison and exterminate millions of innocent people, including Jews, Romani people, political dissidents, LGBTQ+ individuals, and more. By visiting a concentration camp, you have the opportunity to learn about and confront the dark past, paying respect to the victims and ensuring that the horrors of such experiences are not forgotten.

Choosing a Concentration Camp near Berlin

As Berlin was a significant location during World War II, there are several concentration camps you can visit in the surrounding area. Here are a few options to consider:

Sachsenhausen Concentration Camp

Situated just north of Berlin, Sachsenhausen was one of the first concentration camps established and served as a model for others. It offers a profound glimpse into the lives of prisoners and the systematic mechanisms of oppression. Guided tours are available, providing detailed information about the camp’s history and the experiences of its inhabitants.

Ravensbrück Concentration Camp

Ravensbrück, located north of Berlin, was primarily a women’s camp. It is essential to remember that women and children were also victims of the Holocaust. Visiting Ravensbrück provides an opportunity to learn about the specific challenges faced by women during this dark period of history.

Sachsenhausen Memorial Museum

This memorial museum serves as a place of remembrance and education. Through exhibits, photographs, and personal stories, it portrays the daily life and suffering of prisoners. The museum also provides historical context, helping visitors grasp the significance of the Holocaust and its impact on the world.

Preparing for Your Visit

Visiting a concentration camp is no ordinary sightseeing trip. It requires emotional preparation and respect for the victims. Here are some tips to help you make the most out of your visit:

Research and Educate Yourself

Before visiting a concentration camp, take the time to learn about World War II and the Holocaust. Understanding the historical context will enhance your visit and allow you to engage more deeply with the exhibits and stories presented at the site.

Book in Advance

As concentration camps attract a significant number of visitors, it is recommended to book your visit in advance. This will ensure that you secure a spot for your desired day and time.

Respectful Behavior

While at the camp, maintain a respectful demeanor. Keep noise levels low, follow the designated paths, and refrain from taking selfies or engaging in inappropriate behavior. Remember, you are visiting a place of immense suffering and loss.

Allow Time for Reflection

Visiting a concentration camp can be emotionally draining. Allocate time after your visit to reflect and process your emotions. Consider visiting a nearby peaceful location or engaging in a calming activity to help you decompress.


Visiting a concentration camp near Berlin is a powerful and educational experience. It allows us to confront the past, pay homage to the victims, and ensure that the atrocities committed are never forgotten. By choosing to visit a concentration camp, you are engaging in an act of remembrance and an opportunity for personal growth. Remember to approach your visit with respect and empathy, taking time to reflect on the important lessons this dark chapter of history teaches us.




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