Why is Sachsenhausen Berlin an Important Historical Site?

  • The Original Free Walking Tour in Berlin

     When: Every day at 10am & 12pm Where: The meeting point is in front of Generator Berlin Alexanderplatz, Otto-Braun-Straße 65, 10178 Berlin, Germany. Next to the Entrance. Explore Berlin’s rich history and modern charm with our Free Walking Tour. This tour covers famous Berlin attractions, influential historical sights, stories of past wars, urban legends,… read more.



When it comes to understanding the dark history of Nazi Germany, one cannot overlook the significance of Sachsenhausen, a former concentration camp located in Berlin. Sachsenhausen serves as a somber reminder of the atrocities committed during World War II and provides a crucial learning opportunity for both locals and visitors. Let’s explore the historical significance, key features, and the importance of remembering this tragic period in human history.

1. Historical Background

Built in 1936, Sachsenhausen was one of the first concentration camps established by the Nazis. Initially designed to hold political prisoners, the camp later expanded its operations to include individuals persecuted based on their race, religion, sexual orientation, and other factors. Sachsenhausen became a model for later concentration camps and served as a training ground for SS officers.

2. The Camp Layout

Sachsenhausen was organized into various sections, each with its own purpose. The entrance gate famously featured the slogan “Arbeit macht frei” (Work sets you free), which was a cruel and deceptive message to the prisoners. The Appellplatz, or roll call square, the central space where prisoners were subjected to brutal headcounts, stands as a reminder of the dehumanization they endured.

Other areas within the camp included barracks, punishment cells, prisoner workshops, and the infirmary. A particularly harrowing section was the Station Z, where the gas chambers and crematoriums were located. This is where countless innocent lives were tragically lost.

3. Daily Life in Sachsenhausen

Living conditions in Sachsenhausen were incredibly harsh. Prisoners faced grueling labor, malnutrition, and rampant abuse from the SS guards. They were subjected to various forms of torture, medical experiments, and inhumane punishments. Understanding the daily struggles endured by those confined within these walls is vital to appreciating the resilience and strength shown by victims.

4. Liberation and Memorialization

Sachsenhausen was liberated by Soviet forces in April 1945. After the war, the camp served as an internment camp for Nazis and other war criminals. In 1961, the East German government transformed Sachsenhausen into a memorial and museum. Today, the Sachsenhausen Memorial stands as a place for remembrance, education, and reflection.

Visitors can explore exhibits documenting the Nazi regime’s rise to power, the camp’s operations, and the stories of survivors. Guided tours are available to provide a deeper understanding of Sachsenhausen’s grim past.

5. The Importance of Remembering

It is crucial to remember the horrors of the past to ensure they are never repeated. Sachsenhausen Berlin offers an opportunity for both locals and tourists to learn about the consequences of hate, discrimination, and unchecked power. By confronting this dark history, we can better understand the importance of tolerance, equality, and human rights.


Sachsenhausen Berlin stands as an important historical site, bearing witness to the immense suffering that occurred during the period of Nazi Germany. Visiting this memorial and museum is a solemn and educational experience that provides valuable insights into the darkest chapters of human history. By confronting these painful truths, we can strive for a more inclusive and compassionate world.




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