Between 1961 – 1989 the Berlin Wall was a symbol of division and restriction that separated the East and West Berlin. As a reminder of the Cold War decades it has become a powerful tribute to the human spirit but it is necessary to realize the dark side of this structure. This article will discuss the Berlin Wall in negative aspects and the suffering and oppression it caused.
1. The Loss of Freedom
A physical barrier, the Berlin Wall stood between people, families, and friends, as well as preventing the freedom of people to move. This cut off the East Berliners from the opportunities and advantages that the citizens of the West enjoyed. Basic human rights such as the freedom of expression and the right to travel were denied to people and they were trapped.
The Wall’s Impact on Daily Life
The East Berliners were under constant surveillance and control in daily life. In fact, the population was monitored by the Stasi (the East German secret police) who stifled any dissent and curbed individual autonomy. This oppressive regime was known for instilling fear in the citizens and letting no one try to better their lives elsewhere except the Wall which served as a potent symbol of oppression.
2. Families Divided
The Berlin Wall was one of the most heart wrenching consequence as it led to the separation of familes. Spouses, parents, and children were torn apart by The Wall, put on opposite sides of which they were never to be able to reunite with. The division caused thousands of families to be torn apart and the pain and anguish that came from it can still be felt today.
The Struggles of Separated Families
Under the authorities’ constant eye, families would often communicate once or twice a year through letters, yet it was often through one and sometimes the other. The wall, always a memory of separation, longing for the loved ones. For many it became a dream to reunite families and the emotional burden of so many years being apart cannot be underestimated.
3. Loss of Economic Opportunities
The Berlin Wall was a barrier to economic growth, to innovation. East Berlin and the rest of East Germany grew slower than West Berlin and the rest of West Germany. Because of the Wall, trade was limited, the Eastern Bloc was limited in development, and the Eastern Bloc became economically stagnant.
The Impact on East Berlin’s Economy
Not only did the Wall barter people’s motion, it also inhibited economic evolution. East Berlin companies had difficulty accessing Western markets and resources. It deprived the population of investment, brain drain and the limited economic opportunities. And frustrations among East Berliners grew sharper because East and West Berlin were so obviously two different worlds.
4. Tragedies and Loss of Lives
It was a deadly barrier – which took many lives trying to escape. If caught trying to cross the Wall, East Berliners desperate for freedom risked their lives. The Wall was a reminder of its lethal stories.
The Human Cost
Often escape attempts occurred as a result of climbing over barbed wire, jumping from windows, or even digging tunnels. If anyone attempted to get through the border they were imprisoned or killed. The desperate stories of the people who lost their life trying to escape such an oppressive regime is tragic.
Berlin Wall was an age of fear, oppression and division. It was the symbol of the conflict between East and West, the gulf between living and freedoms. It eventually fell but its reach on the lives of those living under its shadow cannot be ignored. To understand the importance of liberty, unity and pursuing a better future for all, it is necessary to know the negative part of the Berlin Wall.
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