What Was the USSR’s Perspective on the Berlin Wall?

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     When: Every day at 10am & 12pm Where: The meeting point is in front of Generator Berlin Alexanderplatz, Otto-Braun-Straße 65, 10178 Berlin, Germany. Next to the Entrance. Explore Berlin’s rich history and modern charm with our Free Walking Tour. This tour covers famous Berlin attractions, influential historical sights, stories of past wars, urban legends,… read more.



The Berlin Wall, built by the German Democratic Republic (East Germany) in 1961, was a physical barrier that separated West Berlin (controlled by Western democratic nations) from East Berlin (controlled by the Soviet Union and its allies). This wall became a powerful symbol of the Cold War and the division between the communist and capitalist worlds. Let’s explore how the USSR viewed and portrayed the Berlin Wall.

1. The Wall as Protection

From the Soviet perspective, the Berlin Wall was constructed to safeguard East Berlin from Western imperialism. The USSR propagandized that the creation of the wall was necessary to counter actions by subversive Western powers seeking to infiltrate communist territories.

2. It Contributed to Stability

The Soviet Union argued that the wall maintained stability by preventing potential conflicts and escalations in Berlin. According to their viewpoint, the separation of East and West Berlin reduced tensions and provided a physical barrier against Western influence.

3. A Defense Against Espionage

The USSR claimed that the wall acted as a safeguard against Western espionage activities. East German authorities, supported by the Soviet Union, commonly accused the West of engaging in intelligence gathering and subversion in East Berlin. In their narrative, the wall served as a necessary measure to protect their sovereignty.

4. A Symbol of Communist Ideals

The Soviet Union used the Berlin Wall as an emblem of their communist ideology. They promoted the idea that the wall demonstrated the strength and perseverance of the socialist system. Soviet propaganda depicted the wall as a physical manifestation of the triumph of socialism over capitalism, reinforcing the division between the two ideologies.

5. Demonstrating Western Aggression

The USSR painted the construction of the Berlin Wall as a response to actions taken by Western powers. They portrayed the wall as a reaction to hostile policies and attempts to undermine the socialist state. By emphasizing Western aggression, the Soviet Union aimed to justify the wall’s existence to its own citizens and consolidate their support.

6. Preventing Brain Drain

One motivation behind the construction of the wall was to halt the mass exodus of skilled laborers and intellectuals from East to West Berlin. The Soviet Union and East German authorities argued that the wall prevented a drain of valuable resources from their communist state, ensuring the continuity of their economic and intellectual growth.

7. East Germany as a Showcase

The USSR promoted East Germany, and specifically East Berlin, as a prosperous and successful showcase of socialist achievement in contrast to the perceived decadence and inequalities of the capitalist West. The wall, in this context, represented a tangible boundary between the two opposing systems, highlighting the supposed superiority of the Eastern Bloc.


The Berlin Wall was not only a physical division between East and West Berlin, but it also had significant symbolic importance during the Cold War. The Soviet Union viewed the wall as a necessary means to protect their territory, prevent espionage, demonstrate their strength, and safeguard their socialist system. While political dynamics and motivations changed over time, this perspective highlights the various justifications the USSR employed to rationalize the existence of the Berlin Wall.




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